Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Be Strong

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Advantage of Adversity, Luke 4:1-15

A difficult period of time is often symbolically referred to as a wilderness journey depicting the children of Israel wondering in the wilderness for forty years before entering the Promised Land. Most Christians remember several difficult periods in their lives. Walnut Creek is in the midst of a difficult period grieving the loss of our former pastor and looking forward to the coming of the new man God chose to lead WCBC. The space between the two events—the interim—is comparable to a wilderness journey. Jesus endured victoriously His own wilderness journey depicted in Luke 4:1-15 leaving an example for His disciples to follow.
Luke states that Jesus was filled (abounding) with the Holy Spirit and led (carried) by the Spirit into the wilderness and was tempted by the devil. Satan attacks at our weakest point offering physical necessities. Jesus fasted in the wilderness forty days and nights taking spiritual nourishment from the Father, but no physical nourishment. As a man, the Lord was physically weak from hunger and satan took advantage of the situation. Challenged to transform stones to bread, Jesus answered using scripture gaining spiritual and physical strength from the Word of God. In addition, satan offered something that Jesus already possessed. Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life,” John 6:35. Dependence on God’s Word strengthened the Lord then and, in the same way, strengthens mankind today.
Satan’s second attempt offered Jesus authority over all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for satanic worship appealing to man’s social need to be accepted and respected by his peers as well as attempting to cause covetousness and the desire for power over others. Jesus again answered using scripture saying that God alone is worthy of worship, praise, and service. Again, satan offered Jesus something that He already possessed. He is King of kings and Lord of lords forever and ever amen!
Satan tries unsuccessfully to counterfeit the things of God. His greatest desire is to be like the Most High God. The Father implanted the knowledge of Himself within mankind, Romans 1:19-20. Therefore, men have the spiritual need to worship the Creator—to trust in someone bigger than ourselves. Satan wants that worship for himself.
The third temptation is one designed to cause Jesus to test God. He wants Jesus to intentionally dare God to perform a miracle. A second spiritual need common to man is the need to see God’s hand at work daily. And again Jesus uses scripture to thwart satan’s plan. Satan reminds Jesus that God sends angels to protect His people. Satan can also quote (or more accurately, misquote) scripture. Again, this is something that Jesus already possesses—authority over angels and mankind.
Satan’s mistake was focusing on Jesus’ humanity disregarding His deity. It is important to note that according to verse two, Jesus was tempted for forty days and nights. Only three temptations are included in scripture for our benefit. Finally, Jesus wins the victory and satan leaves him “…until an opportune time…” Satan’s temptations are never over. He just retreats until another weak moment—a moment when he thinks that he can persuade one to sin. Focusing on Jesus’ deity disregarding our humanity and gaining physical and spiritual strength using God’s Word will gain the victory for us as well. And who knows? The thing that we are being tempted with may already be ours! The Father has promised that He will fulfill all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, Philippians 4:19.
The Advantage of Adversity is found in the final verses of the passage revealing the reward for resisting satan and obedience to the Lord. Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit, He taught the people, and they glorified Him. Following Jesus’ example we must be filled with the Spirit, led by the Spirit, and resist satan using God’s Word. After which we can teach others about Jesus in the Power of the Spirit, Jesus will be glorified and souls will be saved. Therefore, Walnut Creek collectively and individually can look forward in excited anticipation to what God will do next on this hill, in each home, and in this community.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

One Nation...

“…One nation under God…”, “In God we trust”, “God Bless America”, Take a good look at most of our country’s founding documents, landmarks, and patriotic songs. The Supreme Court proudly displays a sculptured likeness of Moses holding the Ten Commandments on the pinnacle above the steps leading to the main entrance. The Liberty Bell is clearly inscribed with “…Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants…” quoted from Leviticus 25:10. America’s patriotic songs ring out in prayer to Almighty God for the nation. Almost all of them impart a trust in God as Creator and Sustainer of mankind in general and the USA in particular. God’s name is associated with the United States of America almost as closely as with Israel!

Oh, how far we have fallen from where we once stood! A nation founded on freedom of religion (the freedom to worship God according to personal conviction) is quickly becoming a nation standing for freedom from Bible based faith! Each year the United States draws farther from her godly beginning. Rejection of the God of Heaven cunningly disguised as religious tolerance roams this nation like a roaring lion (I Peter 5:8). God’s chosen nation found themselves in a similar situation and the prophet Hosea penned a warning from God to His people, Israel.

Hosea said “…there is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land…My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:1-6). Knowledge, as defined in Hebrew, is gained by personal experience. Hosea is saying that the people had no individual contact with God. They knew about God, but they didn’t interact with Him personally. Time spent together and regular communication is the key to knowing someone—anyone—even God.

“…For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings… (Hosea 6:6). Sacrifices and offerings are no substitute for close fellowship with the Creator. God commands His people to worship Him “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). Come to the Father in Truth—Jesus is the Truth and the only way to God (John 14:6). In the spirit—in all sincerity—with one’s entire being (Jeremiah 29:13).

“…The prophet is a fool and the spiritual man is insane…” (Hosea 9:7). The media often depicts Christians as foolish or insane. Therefore, many Christians fear speaking in the name of the Lord. A united Christian effort is desperately needed and personally experiencing God through prayer is the only way to begin.

“…their [Israel’s] heart is divided…” (Hosea 10:2). The fast-paced materialistic lifestyle most Americans endure results in hearts divided between necessary daily duties, leisure activities, and time with God. Divided hearts result in idolatry as surely as bowing down to a statue. God expects to occupy the first place, most important, primary position in every heart belonging to Him.

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face [seek God’s presence], and turn from their wicked ways [an evil lifestyle or one of inferior spiritual quality], then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land [physical and spiritual healing of the people and/or the country]” (II Chronicles 7:14). God’s people are uniquely and exclusively qualified to stir God’s heart and move His hand for the benefit of the entire country. Unfortunately, ancient Israel didn’t listen to Hosea or the Lord their God. Assyria defeated Israel in 722 BC resulting in the ten lost tribes of Israel. God’s chosen people ceased to be an independent nation until 1948 AD. What will God’s chosen people living in the United States do with the knowledge of God and what will the outcome be?

American Christians unite and pray for the USA as Daniel prayed for Jerusalem, “O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see our desolations, and the city [USA] which is called by Your name; for we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city [the USA] and Your people are called by Your name.” (Daniel 9:18-19).

God bless America!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

><> Pouting Prophet

Preaching rePentance
Stormy lAttitude: Jonah 1:1-2:10
Mercy Transcends Disobedience:
God’s mercy consistently transcends man’s disobedience. Biblical characters and modern men encounter God’s mercy regardless of rebellion, sin, and error common to mankind. The ability to hear and understand God’s message is also common. However, many pretend not to hear, understand, or stubbornly ignore Him. Jonah understood God’s message. He didn’t wanna! God said “Hang a right, Jonah. Go northeast to Nineveh and preach repentance.” Jonah’s stormy attitude answered, “I’ll go left”. He preferred a Mediterranean cruise northwest to Tarshish for good reason. History records Nineveh as a large metropolitan area, notoriously wicked, and racial prejudice spelled violent cruelty to Israelites.

Angry Attitudes:
A bad attitude toward others and anger at God for His compassion on them results in disobedience. Running from God seemed good. Jonah wanted God to zap ‘em. Hate in his heart and vengeance on his mind, he slept confident that God would destroy the city without a preacher. Unwavering faith in God’s mercy and His intolerance of sin defines Jonah. Faith coupled with racial hatred resulted in attempted misuse of God’s power. Jonah preferred vengeance over fellowship with his Lord.

Sin’s Consequences:
Disobedience is sin and has consequences for the sinner and those near him. God sent a storm threatening the ship. Seamen prayed to their gods. Survival of shipwreck was unlikely. In desperation, the captain woke Jonah insisting that he pray. The crew demanded to know whose sin caused the storm. Jonah’s faith appears in the face of opposition admitting that he is at fault and God alone can rescue them if they throw him overboard. The sailors attempted to return to shore and save Jonah, but the storm grew worse.

Submission Salvation:
Submission to God results in blessings for the repentant sinner and salvation for others. The sailors prayed to God and threw Jonah into the angry waves. The pagan crew prayed to God. Big “G” God…the one true God! They asked Him not to blame them for Jonah’s death and to spare their lives. Jonah went for a terrifying swim and the storm ended immediately. The sailors suffered a frightening night, but it ended in true worship. Jonah plunged through the raging water with no possibility of survival.

Deliverance Disguised in Disaster:
God’s deliverance is often disguised as disaster. Inability to save one’s self often becomes the means of reconciliation with God. God appointed a great fish to swallow the helpless prophet in spite of his rebellion. After three days, Jonah prayed for forgiveness, which stirred God’s heart and moved His hand. Deliverance through a fish--God’s mercy in physical form. At God’s command the fish safely transported the prophet from the stormy cruise of rebellion to the safe road to obedience. God put him on the right track, but Jonah had to decide which way to go. Disaster may be God’s discipline giving the sinner time to think and pray. Like Jonah, most people allow pride to separate them from fellowship with God spending unnecessary days or years in fear and turmoil. A second chance is just a prayer away! The key is total dependence—total repentance.

People really haven’t changed. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose, Romans 8:28 (NAS).

Becky Strong

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Royal Court

Jesus Christ "...the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords..." (II Timothy 6:15) and His children, "The Spirit…bears witness…that we are children of God…heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ…" (Romans 8:16-17). Imagine that…you and I are the King’s kids. The Lord has promised a “crown of life” to everyone that loves Him, (James 1:12).
In addition to royalty we are also being perfected by the Master, “But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, that, just as it is written, ‘Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord.’” (I Corinthians 1:30-31).
God is so good. One can’t help but boast in Him. Only God can take the imperfect and perfect it. He can transform the pauper into a prince (or princess), a sinner into a saint, and the condemned into the accepted (Romans 8:1-2). What an honor. How completely amazing it is to be included with the Lord Jesus in this royal family!
Its not about you and its not about me. It is all about the Lord, Jesus Christ!!! Ultimately, He is all that matters. “Fall down … and … worship Him who sits on the throne … who lives forever and ever … and … cast their crowns before the throne saying, Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for Thou didst create all things, and because of Thy will they existed, and were created.” He is worthy to be praised and worthy of all we have to give. We are the King’s Kids and should behave as such!!!
…Walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all, Ephesians 4:1-6.
Welcome to the new WCBC blogspot for God’s royal heirs at Walnut Creek Baptist Church. The site will help keep you informed of upcoming activities and areas of interest for our church family.